1/ Connect CISCO VPN client - it will overwrite DNS settings in /etc/resolv.conf with whatever is read from the network the VPN is connecting to.
If you're unlucky at this point normal DNS queries will no longer work.
2/ Use scutil to add a local DNS server:
Single line command:
References: Using scutil to set DNS server
If you're unlucky at this point normal DNS queries will no longer work.
2/ Use scutil to add a local DNS server:
diciu$ sudo scutil
> get State:/Network/Service/com.cisco.VPN/DNS
> d.show{
ServerAddresses :{
0 :
1 :
DomainName : somedomain.com
SearchDomains :{
0 : somedomain.com
1 : modulo.ro
> d.add ServerAddresses *
> set State:/Network/Service/com.cisco.VPN/DNS
> d.show{
ServerAddresses :{
0 :
DomainName : somedomain.com
SearchDomains :{
0 : somedomain.com
1 : modulo.ro
Single line command:
printf "get State:/Network/Service/com.cisco.VPN/DNS\nd.add ServerAddresses *\nset State:/Network/Service/com.cisco.VPN/DNS" | sudo scutil
References: Using scutil to set DNS server