One of the cool things about divert sockets is they allow you to spy on local traffic with virtually zero overhead. You don't have to worry about re-forwarding the traffic to the intended recipient port, re-setting headers inside the TCP packet, etc.
Using divert tees you can just get a copy of the traffic matching a given rule, free for you to use in any way without interfering with the regular traffic.
The ipfw rule we are using is "tee" - the concept is similar to the Unix tee in that we get a copy of the traffic matched by the rule. Once we've set up a divert tee, we need a divert socket reader.
The protocol type for the divert socket is defined in netinet/in.h:
The code below binds a divert sockets and looks for HTTP GET and POST requests inside the content received from the socket:
to run the code, you need to run python as root, because otherwise you'll get a permission denied when trying to create a RAW socket:
Once you're done, you need to delete the divert tee:
Using divert tees you can just get a copy of the traffic matching a given rule, free for you to use in any way without interfering with the regular traffic.
cristi:~ diciu$ sudo ipfw add tee 8080 tcp from to any 80
00100 tee 8080 tcp from to any dst-port 80
cristi:~ diciu$ sudo ipfw list
00100 tee 8080 tcp from to any dst-port 80
65535 allow ip from any to any
The ipfw rule we are using is "tee" - the concept is similar to the Unix tee in that we get a copy of the traffic matched by the rule. Once we've set up a divert tee, we need a divert socket reader.
The protocol type for the divert socket is defined in netinet/in.h:
#define IPPROTO_DIVERT 254 /* divert pseudo-protocol */
The code below binds a divert sockets and looks for HTTP GET and POST requests inside the content received from the socket:
import socket
import select
import re
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_DIVERT)
fd = sock.bind(('', 8080))
MSGLEN = 32768
msg = ''
while len(msg) < MSGLEN:
chunk = sock.recv(MSGLEN-len(msg))
if chunk == '':
raise RuntimeError, "Socket gone"
msg = msg + chunk
t = re.compile(r"(?P(.*)(GET|POST)(.*)(HTTP/\d+\.\d+)(.*)(Host: )([a-zA-Z\.0-9-]*)(.*))", re.DOTALL)
m = t.match(msg)
if m:
print + " " + + " " + + " " +
to run the code, you need to run python as root, because otherwise you'll get a permission denied when trying to create a RAW socket:
sudo python
Once you're done, you need to delete the divert tee:
sudo ipfw delete 100