When Vodafone Mobile Connect refuses to start

The problem: at some point Vodafone Mobile Connect refuses to start. The application icon bounces in the dock for a couple of minutes and the application window never gets displayed. The only way to quit the application at this point is using "Force Quit".

Quick solution

1/ Force quit VMC

2/ Delete "/Library/Application Support/nova media/VMC/ppp_session.log"

3/ Start VMC

Please note that deleting the ppp_session.log file wipes your PPP session history so VMC will re-start the traffic statistics from zero.

Why it hangs

VMC maintains a log of all the PPP traffic that flows through the 3G PPP interface. This log is saved under the ppp_session.log file mentioned above.

In certain conditions (e.g. traffic exceeding 90 MB in the previous session), VMC enters a function that never finishes execution namely:

001a428e t _ClassConnectionAbstract.TrafficFormat%s%o<ClassConnectionAbstract>i4

Here's an Instruments screenshot demonstrating the endless loop:

This is the ppp_session line that causes the infinite loop on my Mac:

diciu$ diff ~/Desktop/ppp_session.log.crasher ~/Desktop/ppp_session.log.works
< [2008/10/25 13:7:14] out:8736305 in:99719384 time:14036

The problem with that line is the "in" value which is too big - I'm guessing it's causing "pow" (the C function for computing the raising of X to the power of Y) to return a range error and the calling function doesn't process this error correctly (i.e. it calls pow$fenv_access_off again instead of exiting).

On Leopard, the effect is you cannot download more then 90 MB in one session - if you do, Vodafone Mobile Connect will refuse to start the next time you run it.

To fix the problem you either edit the ppp_session.log file and remove the last line, or, you delete the file altogether.