One solution to the web services from Cocoa problem is using gSoap. It's not 100% to my liking, in that solves web services by reducing them to SOAP and I find that mildly annoying - in my opinion web services tools should do their best to abstract away the transport.
However, gSoap does a nice job of creating pure C code that can be used as a web services client so I'll ignore my reluctance to think of SOAP when talking about web services. I am using complete paths (/Users/diciu/Downloads) because I've not installed gSoap - it makes compiling a bit more verbose but I hate writing in my /usr/ folder. YMMV.
Here's how you build a C web services client to the EchoHeaders sample web service that's part of Apache Axis.
Step 1. WSDL to SOAP
Step 2. SOAP stub and skeleton creation
This step will create a flurry of XML files and a namespace map file (EchoHeadersSoapBinding.nsmap).
Step 3. Creating a client (test.c)
Step 4. Compiling the client
Step 5. Running the client
Of course, this last step assumes that Apache Axis is running on localhost port 8080, otherwise you will get a SOAP fault:
However, gSoap does a nice job of creating pure C code that can be used as a web services client so I'll ignore my reluctance to think of SOAP when talking about web services. I am using complete paths (/Users/diciu/Downloads) because I've not installed gSoap - it makes compiling a bit more verbose but I hate writing in my /usr/ folder. YMMV.
Here's how you build a C web services client to the EchoHeaders sample web service that's part of Apache Axis.
Step 1. WSDL to SOAP
/Users/diciu/Downloads/gsoap-2.7/gsoap/wsdl/wsdl2h -c -o test.h EchoHeaders.wsdl
Step 2. SOAP stub and skeleton creation
/Users/diciu/Downloads/gsoap-2.7/gsoap/bin/macosx/soapcpp2 test.h
This step will create a flurry of XML files and a namespace map file (EchoHeadersSoapBinding.nsmap).
Step 3. Creating a client (test.c)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "soapH.h"
#include "EchoHeadersSoapBinding.nsmap"
int main()
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
char * t;
if(soap_call_ns2__echo(soap, NULL, NULL, "test echo", &t) == SOAP_OK)
printf("echo result: >%s<\n", t);
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr);
Step 4. Compiling the client
gcc test.c soapC.c soapClient.c -I/Users/diciu/Downloads/gsoap-2.7/gsoap/ /Users/diciu/Downloads/gsoap-2.7/gsoap/libgsoap.a
Step 5. Running the client
cristi:webservices diciu$ ./a.out
echo result: >test echo<
Of course, this last step assumes that Apache Axis is running on localhost port 8080, otherwise you will get a SOAP fault:
cristi:webservices diciu$ ./a.out
SOAP 1.1 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode]
"Connection refused"
Detail: connect failed in tcp_connect()