Running LLDB with a self-signed certificate

In a previous post I was describing running lldb using sudo to get around the need for elevated privileges as required by task_for_pid.

The obvious solution is to codesign the debugserver binary. You can use a self-signed certificate, providing that the self signed certificate is trusted for code signing in your keychain.

  • Using Keychain Access, run Certificate Assistant -> Create a Certificate Authority...
  • From the Keys category, select the newly created key and the contained certificate.
  • Right click the certificate and choose Get Info.
  • Disclose the Trust triangle and configure the Code Signing option to Always trust.

  • Codesign the debugserver binary:
    cd ./build/BuildAndIntegration/LLDB.framework/Versions/A/Resources/
    codesign -s 'Cristian Draghici' ./debugserver

Once you codesign the debug server, you should be able to run lldb as your current user.