Obfuscating disassembled code via forced inline

Jurriaan Bremer has published a very interesting article titled "Abusing Forced Inline in C".

Here's his "Inserting Garbage" sample with some minor changes for GCC compatibility:
#include <stdio.h>
int foo(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

__attribute__((always_inline)) int foo_obfuscated(int a, int b)
    __asm__ ("jmp 1f");
    __asm__ (".byte 0xb8");
    __asm__ ("1:");

    int ret = foo(a, b);

    __asm__ ("jmp 2f");
    __asm__ (".byte 0xb8");
    __asm__ ("2:");
    return ret;

#define foo foo_obfuscated

int main(void)
    printf("foo(2, 3): %d\n", foo(2, 3));

And it's effect on the assembly (i386 binary disassembled using otx) :
With "evil" opcode (0xb8)With NOP
00001ec0  pushl       %ebp
00001ec1  movl        %esp,%ebp
00001ec3  subl        $0x28,%esp
00001ec6  movl        0x0c(%ebp),%eax
00001ec9  movl        0x08(%ebp),%ecx
00001ecc  movl        %ecx,0xfc(%ebp)
00001ecf  movl        %eax,0xf8(%ebp)
00001ed2  jmp         0x00001ed5
======= opcode insertion point
00001ed4  movl        $0x8bfc458b,%eax
00001ed9  decl        %ebp
00001eda  clc
00001edb  movl        %eax,(%esp)
00001ede  movl        %ecx,0x04(%esp)
00001ee2  calll       0x00001e90
00001ee7  movl        %eax,0xec(%ebp)
00001eea  jmp         0x00001eed
00001eec  movl        $0x89ec458b,%eax
00001ef1  incl        %ebp
00001ef2  lock/movl   0xf0(%ebp),%eax

00001ef6  movl        %eax,0xf4(%ebp)
00001ef9  movl        0xf4(%ebp),%eax
00001efc  addl        $0x28,%esp
00001eff  popl        %ebp
00001f00  ret
00001f01  nopl        0x00000000(%eax)
00001f08  nopl        0x00000000(%eax,%eax)
00001ec0  pushl       %ebp
00001ec1  movl        %esp,%ebp
00001ec3  subl        $0x28,%esp
00001ec6  movl        0x0c(%ebp),%eax
00001ec9  movl        0x08(%ebp),%ecx
00001ecc  movl        %ecx,0xfc(%ebp)
00001ecf  movl        %eax,0xf8(%ebp)
00001ed2  jmp         0x00001ed5
======= opcode insertion point
00001ed4  nop
00001ed5  movl        0xfc(%ebp),%eax
00001ed8  movl        0xf8(%ebp),%ecx
00001edb  movl        %eax,(%esp)
00001ede  movl        %ecx,0x04(%esp)
00001ee2  calll       0x00001e90
00001ee7  movl        %eax,0xec(%ebp)
00001eea  jmp         0x00001eed                    return;
00001eec  nop
00001eed  movl        0xec(%ebp),%eax
00001ef0  movl        %eax,0xf0(%ebp)
00001ef3  movl        0xf0(%ebp),%eax
00001ef6  movl        %eax,0xf4(%ebp)
00001ef9  movl        0xf4(%ebp),%eax
00001efc  addl        $0x28,%esp
00001eff  popl        %ebp
00001f00  ret
00001f01  nopl        0x00000000(%eax)
00001f08  nopl        0x00000000(%eax,%eax)