This popped up on my screen, leaving me wondering which process actually drew the window:
It's the UserNotificationCenter app and here's how you can tell:
#!/usr/bin/env python import time from Quartz import CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo, kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements, kCGNullWindowID from Foundation import NSSet, NSMutableSet wl1 = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements, kCGNullWindowID) print 'Move target window' time.sleep(5) wl2 = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements, kCGNullWindowID) w = NSMutableSet.setWithArray_(wl1) w.minusSet_(NSSet.setWithArray_(wl2)) print '\nList of windows that moved:' print w print '\n'
The script prints information for the window that changed position within a 5 second interval.
The output looks like this:
List of windows that moved: {( { kCGWindowAlpha = 1; kCGWindowBounds = { Height = 217; Width = 420; X = 828; Y = 213; }; kCGWindowIsOnscreen = 1; kCGWindowLayer = 8; kCGWindowMemoryUsage = 406420; kCGWindowName = ""; kCGWindowNumber = 77; kCGWindowOwnerName = UserNotificationCenter; kCGWindowOwnerPID = 481; kCGWindowSharingState = 1; kCGWindowStoreType = 2; } )}